Mon, 27 May 2019
Acts: The Disruptive Presence of the Spirit of God; given on Sunday, May 26 by Pastor Donnell Wyche. The book of Acts reveals that the life of a disciple of Jesus that is prompted and prodded the Spirit of God to cross-borders, to share tables, to share space, and to share our lives with others. Because this is what the Spirit of God is doing in the world, the Spirit is pouring out on all flesh, forming a new multi-ethnic, worldwide family.
Mon, 20 May 2019
Ephesians Redux: Greed; given on Sunday, May 19 at by Pastor Donnell Wyche. We are back in Ephesians to consider the topics of Power, Sex, and Greed. Paul invites us to live as children of the light (Ephesians 5:8-11). Living as children of light in the midst of Empire means contending with the powers and naming the invisible tools of control within Empire that hold us in bondage. |
Mon, 13 May 2019
Ephesians Redux: Sex; given on Sunday, May 12 at by Pastor Donnell Wyche. We are back in Ephesians to consider the topics of Power, Sex, and Greed. Paul invites us to live as children of the light (Ephesians 5:8-11). Living as children of light in the midst of Empire means contending with the powers and naming the invisible tools of control within Empire that hold us in bondage. |
Mon, 6 May 2019
Ephesians Redux: Power; given on Sunday, May 5 at by Pastor Donnell Wyche. We are back in Ephesians for the next three weeks to consider the topics of Power, Sex, and Greed. Paul invites us to live as children of the light (Ephesians 5:8-11). Living as children of light in the midst of Empire means contending with the powers and naming the invisible tools of control within Empire that hold us in bondage. |