Mon, 26 February 2007
Creation Care (#2): Understanding the Human Footprint on Planet Earth in Biblical Perspective (Ken Wilson)
Creation Care (#2): Understanding the Human Footprint on Planet Earth in Biblical Perspective (Ken Wilson) :: February 24-25, 2007. Summary: In a nutshell: We humans are a mixed blessings: we've had a negative impact on the world around us, but by the saving grace of God we can become part of the solution and find our rightful place in creation. Biblical understanding of human footprint on the creation is dynamic tension between pitfall & promise; unvarnished truth and hope.
Mon, 19 February 2007
Creation Care (#1): Our Stewardship of Creation (Ken Wilson) :: February 17-18-11, 2007 :: Summary: (Psalm 104) The Soul of Creation Care is a mystical awareness of creation that leads to understanding we're a part and not the whole and God cares for it all.
Mon, 12 February 2007
Permission to Speak Freely (#6): The Art of Asking (Donnell Wyche) :: February 10-11, 2007. Summary: (Matthew 7:7-11; Psalm 27) We receive permission to speak freely in the secret chambers of prayer; there we learn to grant others the same permission; thus we become a community that learns to "speak the truth in love" and brings that freedom into the world. The art of asking includes the process of humbling oneself to ask for help, permission, and forgiveness.
Mon, 5 February 2007
Permission to Speak Freely (#5): Being Honest with Ourselves (Don Bromley) :: February 3-4, 2007. Summary: In order to speak the truth in love to others, we must first get honest with ourselves.